Decrease in the Gini Coefficient as a Result of the Distribution of BPNT during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia

  • Yusuf Munandar Kemeterian Keuangan Republik Indonesia
Keywords: Non-cash food assistance; income inequality; gini coefficient; counter factual analysis.


The government issued a stimulus policy to reduce the impact of COVID-19, namely the Staple Food
program or extended BPNT program. One of the goals of implementing the BPNT program is to reduce the level of
income inequality of the Indonesian people. Thus, this study aims to calculate and obtain the decrease in the Gini
Coefficient as a result of the implementation of the BPNT program in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands. This
study uses the Counter Factual Analysis (CFA) method and the March 2020 Susenas data. This study concludes that
the implementation of the BPNT program in 2020 is able to reduce the level of income inequality in the Bangka
Belitung Islands Province, Indonesia, which is able to reduce the Gini Coefficient of the Bangka Belitung Islands
Province by -0.43%. This study recommends that the provincial government of Bangka Belitung Islands as the
implementer of the Staple Food/BPNT program needs to improve the implementation of the BPNT program in the
Bangka Belitung Islands Province by ensuring Beneficiary Families/KPM (Keluarga Penerima Manfaat) can buy
food needs at the average price that applies in the market, ensuring KPM are able to choose good food ingredients
from quality, price and quantity, improving the quality of goods purchased by KPM and keeping the price more
affordable, ensuring the availability of staple foodstuffs which are the main components of the program, ensuring
that realization in the field is according to a predetermined schedule, and ensuring the Covid-19 prevention
protocol can be running in the process of realization of the Staple Food/BPNT program.


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How to Cite
Munandar, Y. (2021). Decrease in the Gini Coefficient as a Result of the Distribution of BPNT during the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia. Equity: Jurnal Ekonomi, 9(1), 51-60.